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Excello Libertas – Managed Services for Law Firms

Excello Libertas offers law firms a unique package to excel in client work and business development.

Experience the freedom of running your own regulated and insured entity while leveraging our platform infrastructure. Our expert team provides unmatched support in finance, HR, marketing, and more, tailored to your firm’s needs for seamless scaling.

Unburdened from regulatory, financial, and administrative tasks, you can focus on clients and business growth. Our comprehensive platform covers IT, HR, case management, PI insurance, secretarial services, and more, while preserving your brand and culture.

Excello Libertas Services:

  1. Professional Indemnity Insurance – Affordable solutions for run off cover and successor planning.
  2. Compliance – Relieve the burden of law firm compliance management.
  3. Brand – Empower your brand and expand your practice offering.
  4. Maximise Earnings – Improve profitability while maintaining control.
  5. Recruitment – Benefit from our talent attraction strategy and support.
  6. Support – Expert transition planning, induction, and ongoing assistance.
  7. Collaboration – Join a growing network of collaborative firms.
  8. State of the Art Technology – Access innovative cloud-based systems.
  9. Marketing & PR – Get support with websites, PR plans, and social media guidelines.

Joining Excello Law

We would love to hear from you if you are interested in becoming part of the Excello team.