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Jon Belcher

Cardiff-based data protection and information governance specialist Jon Belcher joined Excello Law after realising that a consultancy model was better aligned with his career goals than a move to a traditional law firm partnership.

Jon explains that he followed the “traditional” route at his previous firm. Gradually moving up the ranks to senior associate, he had to consider whether he wanted to move to a managerial position. “What interests me is the law, the legal work…I’m less interested in running a law firm, and I thought the next step for progression for me would have been going to partnership.” Covid-19 gave Jon an opportunity to re-evaluate what he wanted to do with his career. “I thought, when [Covid-19] was over, did I want to go back and work in the same way that I was doing before, doing the same sort of thing? I realised I’d quite like to do something different and try my hand at something else.”

At around the same time, Jon was approached by someone at Excello. “I didn’t know much about Excello and I hadn’t really thought about working in that way, but I was really impressed with the firm – their professionalism, enthusiasm and commitment. I liked the fact that they treat you like a person. You often feel working for big law firms that you’re a fairly small cog in a big machine. It doesn’t feel like that with Excello.”

Jon found the transition to the consultancy model surprisingly easy: “I was quite nervous. I thought that there would be all sorts of problems – practical problems, IT problems – but it has all worked really smoothly. I’ve worked in plenty of places before where you have to fight the technology. Things don’t work very well, the bureaucracy is difficult. I’ve not had those kinds of difficulties with Excello.”

Jon also felt that there was far less bureaucracy working as a consultant than when he worked in traditional law firms. “You get to work in a way that you choose, rather than having to fit into the kind of systems that big companies have. It’s quite liberating not having to go through those!”

His clients have also benefited from this. “I think I’m probably more responsive because I don’t have quite so many demands on my time as I used to when I worked in a traditional law firm.”

A network of experts

Jon was impressed by Excello’s support structures, from financial systems, billing and time recording to marketing. To Jon, Excello’s network of lawyers proved to be invaluable. “I do non-contentious work, but quite often I get asked to help with matters that might become contentious. Dealing with litigators who know what they’re doing, passing the baton to them on certain pieces of work, has been really helpful. They’re in the same boat as you as consultants – they understand the support that you need.”

This was in contrast to traditional firms. “In a bigger practice, people tend to hoard work and not want to pass it to others, because they’ve got their own targets to hit. With a consultancy model, people are a bit more relaxed about helping out.” “That ability to work with other lawyers in the same position, for me, has been a real benefit.”

A healthier work/life balance

Since moving to Excello, Jon feels that he has a lot more flexibility in his life. “I’m able to do all the things that I enjoy doing outside of work. It’s a much better balance for me in terms of my mental health.”

“I enjoy being a lawyer, but I don’t want to be a lawyer 24 hours a day. There are lots of lawyers who are workaholics, and who are quite happy being in the office until very late at night, and work all around the clock.”

“I’ve felt there was a lot of pressure to do lots and lots of hours when working in previous roles. You’ve obviously got targets to hit – hours targets, billable targets. I don’t have any of that now. I work when I want to work. That’s not to say that I don’t do anything, but I’m able to make decisions, and if I want to take an afternoon off, I don’t have to ask anyone, I can just do it. That’s been a massive plus for me. I didn’t realise quite how stressed it made me, having all these targets, until I didn’t have them.”

I was really impressed with the firm – their professionalism, enthusiasm and commitment. I liked the fact that they treat you like a person. You often feel working for big law firms that you’re a fairly small cog in a big machine. It doesn’t feel like that with Excello.